24 июл 2019
One Man Show - Delivery & Set up of 12x20 Storage Shed
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One man have three children, one hearing daughter and two sons, one deaf who didn't have good knowledge and one hearing, the father would always abuse his deaf son if he did anything wrong but not major, using a belt he would hit him and shout at him. The father did this because he had mental health issues and didn't seem to like deaf people, he felt extremely ashamed to be seen with his son in public, in the afternoon the son had found the keys to his brother and fathers car and decided to take it, he drove the car and immediately crashed the car into a tree and that night the son and father had an argument he told the son to get out of his house and to never come back, the son left and became very emotional, upset and depressed. One month later it was the daughters wedding, and the father was extremely happy, that day the deaf son committed suicide by hanging him self from the tree, as the father was enjoying the wedding party, a person went up to him and apologised for interrupting
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Трюки и жара в Парке Горького
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